31.07.2017 SPRÁVY

Gypsy Fest to Take Place in Bratislava and Trebisov This Year.

Gypsy Fest, the largest Roma festival in Slovakia, which brings together the best Roma artists from the entire world every year, will celebrate its tenth anniversary in 2017.

In the beginning of the year, the organisers originally worried that the largest Roma festival in the world might cease to exist due to underfinancing on the part of the state.

"We'll be organising Gypsy Fest after all, but in a limited scope. None of the accompanying events will be held in an open-air setting, as festival-goers were used to seeing in the past. Almost half of the money in the overall budgeting was eaten up by the construction of the stage. Therefore, we'll be organising the festival in early September at Atelier Babylon in Bratislava and the Sports Hall in Trebisov (Kosice region)," said festival spokesman Robert Hamburgbadzo.

The visitors can look forward to a fashion show by three Roma designers: Erika Varga, Pavel Berky and Monika Vontszemuova, whose clothing will be displayed by Slovak celebrities serving as models.

The second festival night will be devoted to traditional Roma songs, fire dances and performances by Roma artists from Lithuania, Latvia, Germany, Russia, Poland and Sweden.

Gypsy Fest is financed by the International Visegrad Fund, the Government Office, Bratislava Region, Kosice Region, Bratislava City and Trebisov.



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Študenti nedostatkových profesií môžu získať štipendium 16 500 € na tri roky.

Budúci študenti, ktorí sa rozhodnú študovať nedostatkové profesie na vysokých školách, môžu získať štipendium 16.500 eur na tri roky. Vyplácané bude priebežne. Získať ho môže 400 študentov.


Útok múkou na Jana Bendiga bol podvod. Konštatuje to po vyšetrovaní pražská polícia.

Pražská polícia útok na speváka Jana Bendigova vyšetrovala. Dnes konštatuje, že to bol podvod. Spevákovi hrozí pokuta pre zbytočné vyšetrovanie.