28.04.2020 SPRÁVY

VIDEO: A policeman was to beat five Roma children from Krompachy.

Reprophoto Gipsy Television

The parents of five little children are outraged by the actions of a police officer guarding the local area. The man shoul beat the children with a stick.

Parents of five minor children are outraged by the action of a police officer watching over the local area. The man was to beat the children with a stick.

Five minor children aged 7 to 11 went to play to the creek which forms part of the settlement. The settlement in Krompachy is quarantined for Covid-19. According to Anna Holubová, mother-of-three attacked children, they did not break the quarantine.

“The soldiers also let them in because it's next to us,” Anna Holubová told the Gipsy Television. The policeman was to attack three children of Anna Holubová, two girls aged 7 and 9 and her 10-year-old son. He was supposed to beat them with a stick. Children got bruises on their feet.

The policeman who was filmed by children´s parents on their cell phone, was to beat two other girls aged 10 and 11. The children were treated then by military doctors. However, the parents did not get the medical reports. They were told to receive them by means of the Ministry of Defense.

There are three settelemnts in quarantine in Krompachy. About two thousand people live in them.

The case will be investigated by the Office of Inspection Service of the Ministry of the Interior. “Police inspection knows about the case, it starts to act as soon as it receives the case including a documentation necessary," Silvia Keratová of the Ministry of the Interior of the Slovak Republic Press Department told to Gipsy Television.

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